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  • At Roadie Media, we offer comprehensive marketing services for artists looking to build their brand and reach new fans. Whether you're looking for a full-time marketing partner or need help on a case-by-case basis, we have the expertise and flexibility to develop a tailored marketing strategy that fits your unique goals and vision.

  • We know it can be tough for labels and music businesses to provide marketing services in-house. We are proud to offer Roadie Partners, a collaboration to create custom marketing strategies for your clients. This is an exceptional opportunity to upsell your services without the time, financial or resource commitment.

  • At Roadie Media, we understand the importance of having a strong online presence in the music industry. That's why we offer auditing services to help artists and music businesses assess the effectiveness of their website and social media channels.

  • While music marketing is our primary focus at Roadie Media, we're always open to taking on new and exciting projects in other industries. Our team has a diverse set of skills and expertise, and we love taking on new challenges.